Nov. 24. Take the High Road: Write about a time you had to be the bigger person and take the high road.
A few days before my Dad passed away, I was very sick with a nasty stomach virus. My lupus was irritated and the medications and harsh virus symptoms had thrown me into a major fibro flare. I was absolutely miserable... Dad called and we talked, but he could tell I was very sick so he told me to rest for a while and he would call me later.
About two hours later, Mom called and said that he had coded and was being rushed to the hospital on an ambulance. So I got dressed and met them at the hospital. Whenever I called the Nursing Home to speak with one of the nurses (while he was in route) she fussed that I should have been there to see him instead of at home. In her professional medical opinion, she stated that my "issues" were psychological and I was being selfish.... I knew that I was doing everything I could do to help Dad, going to see him almost every day, having multiple conversations with him over the phone every single day, and doing a lot of surprise checks on him and the nursing staff - sometimes even twice a day! I was terrified and was so sick - but I knew that she was also scared... and that my Dad would not want me to show my @$$. So I took the high road.
I'm not sure if this is what this post is asking about, but... for me it counts.
Rest in peace, Dad. I love you.
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